on DNS
The on DNS event triggers when a /dns query either succeeds or fails.
Format: on <level>:DNS:<commands> Example: on 1:DNS:/notice $me Resolved: $raddress
on 1:DNS:{ var %n = $dns(0) echo 4 Found %n addresses while (%n > 0) { echo 4 dns: $dns(%n) nick: $dns(%n).nick addr: $dns(%n).addr ip: $dns(%n).ip dec %n } }
Note: This event is also triggered if you try to /dns a nickname, and the nickname is not on IRC.
The $dns(N) identifier This identifier can be used only in the on DNS event, and returns the address that was resolved and any associated IP addresses.
Properties: nick, addr, ip
$dns(N) without a property returns the address being resolved.
You can use N = 0 to return the number of addresses found.
You can use $dns(0).nick/addr/ip to reference properties if an address could not be resolved. |