The on LOAD event triggers the first time a script file is loaded.


Format:        on <level>:LOAD:<commands>

Example:        on 1:LOAD:/echo mIRC Script Loaded!


The on START event uses the same format, and triggers the first time a script is loaded and every time after that when mIRC is run.




on 1:LOAD:/echo Performing one-time initialization for this script!


Triggers the first time a script is loaded. The purpose of this event is to perform a one-time initialization of settings.


on 1:START:/echo Performing regular initialization for this script!


Triggers the first time a script is loaded, and each time after that when a script is loaded when mIRC is run. The purpose of this event is to perform general initialization settings.


Note: When a file is loaded in the remote dialog, its initialization sections are not run until after the dialog is closed. Only one of each of these events is allowed in a script.