Playing Sounds
mIRC supports the playing of various types of sounds with the following commands and identifiers.
/splay -cwmpq [filename | stop | pause | resume | seek | skip] [pos] Plays the specified sound, which can be a .wav, .mid, or .mp3 file.
Where switch w = wave, m = midi, p = mp3, and q = queue for playing.
If you do not specify a folder, the sound folders in the Sound Requests dialog are searched.
You can use stop to stop a currently playing sound, eg. /splay stop, or /splay -w stop, to stop just wave files.
You can use pause, resume, and seek with all sounds.
If you specify the pos value when playing an mp3, eg. /splay llama.mp3 1000, mIRC will play the mp3 starting at that position.
You can also seek to a position in an mp3 while it is being played with eg. /splay seek 1000
To skip the currently playing sound, you can use /splay -wmp skip
The -q switch allows you to queue sounds for playing after the current sound ends.
The -c switch allows you to clear the play queue except for the currently playing sound.
When a sound finishes playing, it triggers a sound event.
Sets the volume on your system for waves, midis, and mp3s (same as waves)
If you use the -v switch, this sets the master volume on your system.
The volume value can range from 0 to 65535.
The -uN switch sets the mute setting, where N = 1 is on, N = 2 is off.
$vol(wave | midi | song | master) Gets the current volume for the specified sound setting
Properties: mute
$vol(wave).mute returns the mute setting for wave sounds
Return $true if the specified sound type is playing, $false otherwise.
Properties: fname, pos, length, pause
$insong.fname returns the filename of the currently playing song
Returns the directory specified in the Sound Requests section of the Options dialog, where type can be wave, midi, mp3, wma, or ogg.
$sound(filename) Returns either the directory for that file type, as above, or information about the file. The following properties will return values based on the file type.
Properties: album, title, artist, year, comment, genre, track, length, version, bitrate, vbr, sample, mode, copyright, private, crc, .id3, .tag, .tags.
If you want to retrieve the id3v2 values, you can use the .tag and .tags properties:
showtags { if ($1- == $null) { echo 2 -e * /showtags: please specify filename, eg. /showtags file.mp3 | halt } echo 1 id3: $sound($1-).id3 echo 1 tags: $sound($1-).tags var %n = $sound($1-,0).tag while (%n > 0) { echo 1 tag: $sound($1-,%n).tag dec %n } }